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How do I transfer my Blogger feed readers to my WordPress blog?
I know there are lots of firefox addons that help manage saving pictures, but what I am specifically looking for is, one which can allow me to simply paste the picture link and it will download the picture from that link. . Reason being, the pictures I am saving is has their own individual link and NOT on the same page itself..
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I’m studying Journalism at the University of Minnesota, and I am looking for a good website to start blogging on. I’m mostly looking for a good sports blogging website, but a music website would also be of interest. I’ve heard about Bleacher Report, is that one of the main sites?.
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I am looking to start a blog, though I don’t know which is the best way to go about this. Some of my friends recommend buying a domain from iPage, and then using WordPress. However, I feel that this is limiting. My next option is through TypePad as it appears to have the level of control desired, though this is relatively expensive.. . So my question is as follows: Which one is a better idea? Which one would you personally use?. . Thank you..
I need 2 set up wordpess through a webhost…. . i know i have to download wordpress but whats a good host to go with? and after i set up an account with a host, how difficult is the set up before I can begin building a site? and last but not least, can i still import the free wordpress templates?.
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