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I’m just looking for place to start up a blog with a friend where we talk sports in Chicago as well as other things going on nationwide….just for fun. Any suggestions on sites would be great. Thanks..
Just how does one make money from blogs? How does one start it or go about it? Is there a specific way to do it? Just how does one make money from blogs in the first place? Where does one get started in this? Do you have to advertise and use your credit card? Are there any certain kinds of rules you have to follow? Do you have to set the blog up yourself or are there ones that help you set up it up? How do you get advertisers on your blog? Are people limited to the number of blogs online? How often do you get paid?. . Thanks for the help!.
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I want to add a registration form to Joomla.. . I need to be able to edit the fields of the form. . The form needs to register people as users in Joomla, and trigger an HTML welcome email, as well as a notification to an admin about the registration.. . I’ve tried community builder, but you can’t disable things like username, which is irrelevant to me, and the welcome emails won’t do HTML.. . Any suggestions?.
I’ve Googled around but no luck yet. The ones I’ve come across so far all have to do with MP3s, software and what not. If you have any in mind, please provide links to the sources. Many thanks in advance!.
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