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I’ve been building websites for a while now… like 10 years, haha. Just for fun of course. Nothing major. But some people have seen my work and suggested I start a website building business or some sort. How would I go about doing this? I don’t know a whole lot about servers and such but I’m a very fast learner. Could anyone give me a heads up or point me in the right direction of some information on this?.
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I have created a blog using Blogspot, and I want it to appear on Google Search. Can someone provide me with the steps to do so? . . Much appreciated!.
Does anyone know if photocopying an article out of a magzine would be considered copyright infringement? Thanks :-). Okay, now that I see some of the answers I’m going to add some details. What if I bought the magazine myself, made the copies to keep for myself, but then gave the magazine to a friend (not for money)? Thanks..
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