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I have a blog on Blogspot that I’ve been trying to customize with my own banner, but I can’t seem to figure out where to do this 😛 A site where I could make a banner would be helpdul, too. If anyone has any directions they could give me to help me out with this, that would be awesome. Thank you!.
I like Facebook, but I hate that their notes section isn’t as appealing as MySpace’s blogs. I’ve recently transferred a blog from MySpace to Facebook using the “share” icon located beneath each blog.. . However, I do not like the way it appears on my Facebook page. Are there any better ways to import my blogs?.
^. . Background: I’m applying for an MFA in creative writing program, and I’ve never taken a creative writing course. Most of my creative writing knowledge comes from research I did on my own. I’m wondering if during my research I at least learned the basics of creative writing, or if I really do need to take a course before starting the program? What do you think? I know most of the literary elements and how they can be implemented, though I can’t say that I implement them well..
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How do you copyright content on your site (Webcomic specifically)?
I closed a blogspot website and the site opened up 15 times?
I’ve been looking high and low, and it seems that most liberal arts schools are populated by heavy drinkers and partiers, which I am not interested in. If I can, I’d like to double major in creative writing and journalism.. Thank you!.
I would like to know if there is a way to post short stories, and ongoing episodes for a story online and that it gets legitimate copyright on a site. I want to avoid sending my material to get copyright each time I make an update to my stories. The bottom line is that I want to enjoy getting online feedback and not get stolen from..
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Any ideas of what I can write about? What would you be interested in reading? And how can I get people to see it?.
How can I copyright all original content current and future on my website?
I have had an online magazine for 3 years, and we are looking to spice up the website. We’ve used Joomla, but are now looking for something new. Is WordPress better than Joomla? We will be adding content rich items on the site: videos, etc. Any suggestions?.
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