I simply want to tell you that I am very new to blogging and site-building and certainly savored you’re blog. Probably I’m want to bookmark your site . You certainly have fantastic well written articles. Kudos for revealing your website page.
I have asked several questions, and many of the replies suggest that I consider FIREFOX. I’m not sure what it is – probably a browser. Is it similar to Netscape and Internet Explorer? What are its good features and its bad features?.
I’ve asked my older sister countless times to format my computer because I’m experiencing lag in the game I play. Btw, this computer has been formatted 4-5 times. But whenever I ask my sister to format my computer, she says no because she says that if you format a computer too much, the computer itself gets slower than it already was. Is this true? Or is that an excuse to get out of formatting my computer because it takes away her 2-3 hours?.
How can I copy-paste from Google Docs to WordPress and retain the boldfaced texts?
I have heard about sites that will pay you per post on your blog . . The one im planning on joining pays $10 per post. . Anyone know any good ones? Or better ones for that matter?.
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I want to start to put all my photos up on my camera, and start a blog or something. Where is a good place to do this like a website or something, do i have to copyright them thanks :).
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How do I copyright articles that I have written for free?
I know where the images from the blog posts are, but don’t know where to look for the blog posts in my backups. Can you help? Hope it’s not a silly question..
I have about 4-5 sites that are outdated and not used. I have a new blog @ blogspot and I would like to forward those domains so they show up on the blogspot address. How do I go about doing this? My domains are hosted by GoDaddy and are blank at the moment. I had originally forwarded them to another hosting company but they never built the sites..
I want to start to put all my photos up on my camera, and start a blog or something. Where is a good place to do this like a website or something, do i have to copyright them thanks :).
on fire fox,. how do you get to your favorites???. =/. haha im dumb.
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