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Hey,. . My site went down a while ago now, i just need to know how to upload my backup file back onto the site, is it on the dashboard in wordpress or on cpanel or something?. . Thanks..
I want to make my own website to sell things but I have no idea where to start.. I don’t no what websites to go on, or how much it will be (or if there’s any way i can do it for free?). Can someone give me as much information as possible and a website where i can start please?. I need as much help as possible..
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I wanted to start my own blog and I was looking for your suggestions for which sites you think are the best to start one with. . I want to be able to post pictures, text, and music (maybe).. I only want to use a free blog host..
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What are some great ideas on teaching creative writing to kids?
I have a small background in magazine journalism but my new job requires no writing at all, except for emails. . . I would like to start doing some creative writing but I don’t know where to start, as in, what do I write about, and whether it’s actually worth bothering with or not. I’d probably be more inclined to do it if there was a competition or group I could join online or something like that. . . Does anyone do any writing or their own, if so, how did you get started? And what have you gotten out of it?.
What is a blogging site where people give a lot of quick feedback?
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