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I keep several blogs & forums and allow people to write their comments on them. I check regularly and remove any swear words, etc. I also ask commentors not to leave any derogatory terms on the blogs/forums.. However, that said, am i still legally responsible for the content on my blog/forums if they write a defamatory comment or abusive comments?. Many thanks..
It’s nearly impossible to find well-informed people for this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks
I have a hosted WordPress blog. For some reason, my blog posts are being sent out to followers of another blog. The other blog owners uses Blogger. We can figure out why or how this is happening?.
How do I stop FireFox from discreetly installing updates, which removes the bookmarks and seetings?
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I wanted to start my own blog and I was looking for your suggestions for which sites you think are the best to start one with. . I want to be able to post pictures, text, and music (maybe).. I only want to use a free blog host..
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When Someone googles something that relates to one of my wordpress blogs how can I get it to appear on the first page of their serach results?? Thanks!.
Hi! I really need some help and ideas for my creative writing assignment. We have to mimic the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. We have to have 5 diverse characters (so far I have a brunette young woman who is a musician from NJ) and they are going on a pilgrimage to NYC. They have to be diverse based on gender, class, race, and occupation and where they are coming from. Then they have to each tell a story. I am having a lot of problems being creative with them. I really have no idea where to start. I would really appreciate any ideas. Thanks!.
I am new to blogging. What website is good for blogging for a summer reading book assignment?
I have many setting in my previous windows in Mozila Firefox, now I’ve installed an onother version of windows on other hardisk.. What should I copy to have the same settings, history and bookmarks from the earlier one?. Nothing is lost I just have an onother windows in another hard and I want to move the mozile setting from the previous to the current one..
Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes which will make the biggest changes. Thanks for sharing!
How can I change to fluid width in the New Blogger Template Designer?
How do I convert my website from dreamweaver to wordpress?
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